Academic Counseling
The Cabrillo High School Counseling team is excited to work with you and help you obtain the best high school experience possible! We are here to serve you with anything you need such as social/emotional, career, college or academic matters. Please know that you are always welcome to stop by or email your counselor through school loop with anything you need. We are here to guide you.
- Message to Parents & Guardians
- Four-Year Plans
- Transcripts
- Academic Tutoring
- Dual Enrollment Classes at LBCC & CSULB
- Letters of Recommendations
- SAT & ACT Testing
Message to Parents & Guardians
Dear Parents/Guardians:
When you are involved, your child achieves more! Research shows that regardless of the economic, ethnic, or cultural background of the family, when parents/guardians are involved in their children's education, students have:
- Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
- Better school attendance
- Increased motivation
- Better self-esteem
- Lower rates of suspension
- Decreased use of drugs and alcohol
- Fewer instances of violent behavior
- Greater enrollment rates in post-secondary education
Here are several ways that you can monitor your student’s progress:
- Expect your student to have homework. S/he should spend two hours a day studying and doing homework.
- Does your student need additional help? S/he can schedule an appointment with his/her individual teachers to get additional help during lunch, after school or Saturday School.
- Tutoring is also available in all subjects in the Library: Monday – Thursday from 3:00 to 4:30 pm.
- Check your student’s attendance through School Loop or ParentVue. If you have specific questions about attendance, contact
- Check your student’s grades on School Loop – You will need to know your student’s school ID number and have an e-mail account in order to register with School Loop. You can register at Stop by the Parent Center or contact Maria Gallegos at ext. 7741 if you need help with registration.
- If you do not have Internet access, your student can obtain grade printouts from his/her teachers or counselor via email or appointment.
- Maintain contact with your student’s teachers and counselor.
- Participate in Back-to-School, Open House Parent Nights and check for the next progress report.
- For additional info in Spanish, contact our community workers: Ms. Elvia Morales at ext. 7743 or Ms. Carmen Flores at ext. 7865.
Four-Year Plans
9th Grade: Freshmen Year
- Begin a Four-Year Plan.
- Become familiar with the graduation requirements.
- Become familiar with the UC/CSU a-g subject requirements.
- Work on your grades! Aim for A’s and B’s in all of your classes. Attend tutoring if needed.
- Start thinking about your academic and career goals. Use California Career Zone to do career searches to find your interests.
- Use College Board Big Future for college searches and making a plan for the future.
- Take the PSAT 8/9 (pre-SAT) test in the fall. Link PSAT scores to Khan Academy.
- Get Involved! Join clubs, do extra-curricular activities and volunteer. Keep track of what you do and how often.
10th Grade: Sophomore Year
- Review your Four-Year Plan. Challenge yourself to take honors or AP courses.
- Keep your grades up. Continue to be involved at school and in your community.
- Make preliminary inquiries about careers, colleges and majors: Use California Career Zone for careers and College Board Big Future for college searches.
- California Colleges provides great information about CA colleges and universities.
- Take the PSAT (pre-SAT) test in the fall. This is required for all 10th graders. Link PSAT scores to Khan Academy.
- Create a professional e-mail account that you will check regularly.
11th Grade: Junior Year
- Make sure you are taking the appropriate courses. Challenge yourself to a rigorous schedule. Take honors or AP courses.
- Take the PSAT/NMSQT in the fall. Link PSAT scores to Khan Academy.
- Take the SAT (SAT Registration) and/or the ACT (ACT Registration) in the spring
- Refine your list of possible college choices and review their entrance requirements.
- Visit individual college websites. VISIT COLLEGE CAMPUSES!!!
- Apply for scholarships: Fastweb or Student scholarships.
- Apply for a FSA ID (electronic signature) for online FAFSA.
- Start talking to teachers, coaches, administrators, counselors, and people in the community about letters of recommendation (for college and scholarship applications).
- Interested in the military? Not sure about what career to choose? Take the ASVAB.
- Check your professional email account (which you will use for all college or scholarship related correspondence) on a regular basis.
12th Grade: Senior Year
- Take honors or AP courses.
- Take the SAT (SAT Registration) and/or the ACT (ACT Registration)in the fall (not later than December).
- Finalize your list of college choices and apply in the fall. Note application deadlines!
- Visit individual college websites. VISIT COLLEGE CAMPUSES!!!
- Make regular visits to the College and Career Center.
- Develop a resume. Visit California Colleges for a resume builder.
- Apply for scholarships. Register with Fastweb or Student scholarships.
- Apply for a FSA ID (electronic signature) for online FAFSA and begin applying for financial aid in the fall (October) at
- Secure letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, coaches, etc. if required for college or scholarship applications.
- College Bound Athletes: Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
- Interested in the military? Not sure about what career to choose? Take the ASVAB.
- Check your professional email account (which you will use for all college or scholarship related correspondence) on a regular basis.
- Check your college student portal (email) for any requests or placement testing information.
Academic Tutoring
Dual Enrollment Classes at LBCC & CSULB
Benefits of Taking College Classes While in High School:
- No enrollment costs & FREE textbooks
- Shorter school day – taking less classes in high school
- Participation in a college level class
- Earn high school & college credits
- GPA boost in college application
- Career exploration & intellectual growth
- Complete certificate or major requirements that will count towards a degree
LBCC Dual Enrollment
There are two different tracks for high school students who wish to enroll at LBCC: Early College Pathway Partnership students and Individual Dual Enrollment students.
Early College Pathways Partnership (ECPP) Program:
ECPP dual enrollment is for high school students desiring to enroll at LBCC as part of a coordinated program between LBCC and the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD). ECPP students participate in specially-selected courses and student support services designed for college and career preparation. ECPP is open to LBUSD students in the 11th and 12th grade. Please review the course list and schedule for each term. If you are interested in applying to the ECPP, please review the following steps.
1. Complete a LBCC Application to receive a Viking ID#.
- For assistance, review the attached Application Assistance Handout
2. Complete + Submit ECPP Application with a LBCC Dual Enrollment Form (Attached)
- Dual Enrollment form must be signed by LBUSD HS Principal or Counselor.
- Dual Enrollment forms must be submitted with the online ECPP application.
For more information:
Individual Dual Enrollment: Individual dual enrollment is for high school students desiring to enroll at LBCC on their own and outside of a coordinated program between LBCC and the K-12 district/high school. Individual dual enrollment students may enroll in any available course if pre-requisite requirements are met.
For more information:
Visit the Individual Dual Enrollment tab on the Dual Enrollment website
CSULB Ethnic Studies Classes
US Diversity & the Ethnic Experience:
This is an introductory course that surveys four major ethnic groups (Native American, African American, Chicano/Latino American and Asian American) from the earliest periods of Native American history, through migrations to the Americas, into the present conditions of U.S. society. Special attention is given to the formation and transformation of each ethnic group and their individual and collective roles in the development of the United States.
Additional classes may be available for students that complete the primary course and wish to gain deeper knowledge in the specified content areas.
- Introduction to Chicano/Latino Life (offered @ Cabrillo)
- African American History 1865-Present
- Introduction to Native American People
- Asian American History
When: Classes offered for Fall & Spring Semesters
Time: Saturdays, 9:00 – 12:15
Location: Cabrillo HS or at other HS campuses
Eligibility: Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors
Space is limited. See your counselor or Ms. Karen Kim in the 500 building if you are interested in taking an Ethnic Studies class.
Letters of Recommendations
If you need a letter of recommendation from your counselor for a college application, scholarship or EOP, it is required that you fill out the Letter of Recommendation Form. In order for your counselor to write a meaningful recommendation, s/he needs to include insights that the reader will not find anywhere else in your application. Request must be submitted to counselor/teacher two weeks prior to the due date. Please keep track of your due dates on the Common Application portal and Cal State Apply Recommendation Portal.
Click on the link to download the Letter of Recommendation Form.
SAT & ACT Testing
College Admission Tests
Any student applying to California State University (CSU), University of California (UC), an honors program at a community college, certain merit-based scholarships, or private universities and colleges should take either the SAT Reasoning Test which tests critical reading, math, and writing abilities or the ACT, which tests English, math, reading, and science. The American School Counseling Association equally supports the SAT and ACT tests – two competing companies. The overwhelming number of colleges and universities will recognize either test. If you have the money and the time, we suggest that you take both. Additionally, for the UCs and top private universities, applicants may need to take SAT Subject Tests in two different subject areas: history, literature, mathematics (level 2 only), laboratory science, or language other than English.
The basic fee for the ACT if you do not take the Writing Test is $52. The basic fee for the ACT plus Writing is $68. The fee for the SAT is $49.50 and $64.50 for SAT w/ Essay. The registration fee for the Subject Tests is $26.00 plus $22.00 or $26.00 for each subject test.
Tests must be taken by December of senior year. Private colleges have other deadlines and test dates.
Stop by the College & Career Center, Room 701 to apply for a fee waiver.
ACT Assessment
SAT Reasoning and Subject Assessment
Meet Your Counselors
Head Counselor
CED Counselor - 10th thru 12th Grade
CALJ & SACMAA Counselor - 9th Grade
CALJ Counselor - 10th thru 12th Grade
AGL Counselor - 10th thru 12th Grade
SACMAA Counselor - 10th thru 12th Grade
AGL & CED Counselor - 9th Grade