Athletic Staff
- Athletics Staff
Co-Athletic Director
- Athletics Staff
Co-Athletic Director
Dance Director
Performing Arts Department Chair
- Athletics Staff
Athletic Trainer
Graduated from Life Pacific University & Azusa Pacific University
Favorite Subjects in high school: Drama & Athletics
What brings me JOY: Hanging out with my friends & family!
- Athletics Staff
Welcome to Cabrillo High School Athletics! Being a student athlete is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have during high school. Athletics not only offers a wide variety of fun opportunities within the sport, but being part of a team teaches invaluable lessons and skills that prepares student athletes for life beyond high school. I look forward to watching you grow, in academics and athletics, beyond your imagination!
Our Teams
Cross Country
Flag Football Girls Varsity | JV
Football Boys Varsity | JV | Frosh/Soph
Golf Girls Varsity
Volleyball Girls Varsity | JV | Frosh/Soph
Water Polo Boys Varsity | JV
Basketball Boys Varsity | JV | Frosh/Soph
Basketball Girls Varsity
Soccer Boys Varsity | JV | Frosh/Soph
Soccer Girls Varsity | JV
Water Polo Girls Varsity
Badminton Varsity | JV | Frosh/Soph
Baseball Varsity | JV
Beach Volleyball Girls Varsity
Golf Boys Varsity
Lacrosse Boys Varsity
Softball Varsity | JV
Swimming Varsity | JV
Track & Field Varsity
Volleyball Boys Varsity | JV
Practice Calendar
Eligibility & Clearance
Academic Eligibility:
Student Athletes MUST have earned at least a 2.0 GPA in the 2nd semester of the last school year (June report card) to be eligible for fall sports. Incoming freshman have one quarter of eligibility regardless of GPA. Eligibility (GPA) is updated each quarter.
LBUSD Board Policy (BP6145) RE: Eligibility
CIF Eligibility
To be eligible for Athletic Competition students, must:
Be currently enrolled in at least 20 semester credits of work.
Pass at least 20 semester credits of work at the completion of the last regular grading period.
Be successfully progressing toward graduation requirements.
Maintain during the previous grading period a minimum of passing grades (as defined by Section 205 in the CIF-SS Blue Book Bylaws) as at least a 2.0 grade point average in all enrolled courses on a 4.0 scale.
Sec. 2. If any student should be suspended from school for a breach of discipline, that student shall be ineligible for the next scheduled contest. Suspension for any part of a day, or after school until the parent reports with the student on the following morning shall be counted as one day under suspension.
Sec. 3. If any student should be suspended from school attendance as a result of disciplinary action three times in one semester, that student shall be declared ineligible for the following semester.
Sec. 4. On the day of a scheduled athletic event, an athlete must be in attendance for at least a minimum day (four (4) class periods or two block class periods) unless legally excused and such excuse is verified by a school administrator. (5/11/71)
Sec. 5. Disciplinary transfer students shall not be eligible for varsity competition for the period of twelve calendar months. If qualified, they may compete on a lower level of competition during subsequent seasons of sport, if a 214 has been granted.
Athletic Clearance
STEP 1: Physical Clearance
Step 1: Click on the arrow in the right corner to open the form(s) below and print. All three forms must be completed by parent/guardian & physician.
Upload the physical to Home Campus (see step 2) then turn in the paper completed forms directly to the school nurse (100 building) or athletic trainer.
Student athletes must have a CURRENT physical on file in order to practice. Physicals expire every 12 months. This requirement applies to all sports (see waiver form above for fall sports only).
English Version
Spanish Version
STEP 2: Online Athletic Clearance
Online Athletic Clearance
Visit Athletic Clearance
Watch the Quick Tutorial Video above.
Register. PARENTS register with valid email username and password. You will be asked to type in a code to verify you are human. If this step is skipped your account will not activate. (If this step is skipped, please contact us to activate your account)
Login using the email address that you registered with.
Select “New Clearance” to start the process.
Choose the School Year in which the student plans to participate. Example: Football in Sept 2024 would be the 2024-25 School Year.
Choose the School which the student attends and will compete for.
Choose Sport
Complete all required fields for Student Information: Educational History; Medical History; Signature Forms. Be sure to upload your physical forms!
(If you have gone through the process before, select the Student and Parent/Guardian from the drop-down menu on those pages). Please Make Sure the Parent/Guardian Electronically Signs in the Proper Places and the Student Electronically Signs in the Proper Places. Clearance will be rejected if this is not done properly.
Once you reach the Confirmation Message you have completed the process. PRINT THIS PAGE and bring it to the school nurse, along with his/her COMPLETED PHYSICAL FORMS.
If you would like to register for additional sports/activities, you may check off those sports below the Confirmation Message. Electronic signatures will be applied to the additional sports/activities. Please only click on sports that your child is truly interested in participating.
You can print the Physical Forms on the site.
All of this data will be electronically filed with your school’s athletic department for review. When the student has been cleared for participation, an email notification will be sent directly to the coach.
Need additional support? Click here.
Summer Clearance
NCAA Eligibility
The NCAA Eligibility Center evaluates and certifies prospective student athletes for collegiate competition at Divisions I and II schools. The NCAA Eligibility Center focuses on:
Academic preparedness
Sports participation
High school courses
Customer service
Students who want to compete at NCAA Division I or Division II schools need to meet NCAA Eligibility Center:
1) Academic initial eligibility requirements.
2) Amateurism requirements.
If you want to compete in NCAA sports at a Division I school, you need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to make sure you stay on track to meet initial-eligibility standards.
If you have questions about your eligibility or the registration process, call us toll free at 1-877-262-1492. International students should call 317-917-6222.
Division I
- How to prepare at each grade level?
- Division I Academic Eligibility
- What if I Don't Meet the Requirements?
- Amateurism
How to prepare at each grade level?
Grade 9
- Ask your counselor for a list of your high school’s NCAA core courses to make sure you take the right classes.
Grade 10
- Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center at the Eligibility Center website.
Grade 11
Check with your counselor to make sure you will graduate on time with the required number of NCAA core courses.
Take the ACT or SAT and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
At the end of the year, ask your counselor to upload your official transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Grade 12
Finish your last NCAA core courses.
Take the ACT or SAT again, if necessary, and submit your scores to the NCAA using code 9999.
Complete all academic and amateurism questions in your NCAA Eligibility Center account at the Eligibility center website.
After you graduate, ask your counselor to submit your final official transcript with proof of graduation to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Division I Academic Eligibility
To be eligible to compete in NCAA sports during your first year at a Division I school, you must graduate high school and meet ALL the following requirements:
Complete 16 core courses:
Four years of English
Three years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
Two years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science if your high school offers it)
One additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
Two years of social science
Four additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
Complete 10 core courses, including seven in English, math or natural/physical science, before your seventh semester. Once you begin your seventh semester, you may not repeat or replace any of those 10 courses to improve your core-course GPA.
Earn at least a 2.3 GPA in your core courses.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching your core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale, which balances your test score and core-course GPA. If you have a low test score, you need a higher core-course GPA to be eligible. If you have a low core-course GPA, you need a higher test score to be eligible.
What if I Don't Meet the Requirements?
If you have not met all the Division I academic requirements, you may not compete in your first year at college. However, if you qualify as an academic redshirt you may practice during your first term in college and receive an athletics scholarship for the entire year.
To qualify as an academic redshirt, you must graduate high school and meet ALL the following academic requirements:
Complete 16 core courses:
Four years of English
Three years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
Two years of natural/physical science (including one year of lab science if your high school offers it)
One additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
Two years of social science
Four additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
Earn at least a 2.0 GPA in your core courses.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching your core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale.
If you are concerned you may not meet the Division I academic requirements, consider taking the following actions:
Ask for advice and accountability from your high school counselor. Check in with the admissions or compliance office at the college you hope to attend.
Get tutoring or other study help.
Graduate on time. Division I schools allow college-bound student-athletes who graduate on-time to take one core course during the year after they graduate high school.
Avoid quick fixes through credit recovery programs. These courses may not be accepted by the NCAA.
Keep your coursework. If the NCAA Eligibility Center needs to review your record due to irregularities, you may be asked to provide your coursework.
Follow your high school's policies. The best thing to do is work within the rules.